Israel Scholarships
ATT Israel Scholarships are merit based and are available to graduating seniors who have attended ATT schools to continue their Torah education in Israel. Scholarships are provided by many families in memory of or in honor of family members who share the value of Jewish education and are committed to the State of Israel. Graduating day school seniors attending ATT schools fill out one application for this program and are eligible to receive one of the listed scholarships.
ATT is the second largest provider of scholarship assistance in Chicago for post-high school Israel programs. Eighty-five percent of graduates from ATT day schools attend post-high school Israel programs.
Deadline for Israel Scholarship applications is Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 5:00pm.
To download a print version of the Israel Scholarship application: click here.
To view the Israel Scholarship flyer: Click here.
Israel Scholarships Available
William & Ethel Lavin Memorial Israel Scholarship Program
- Perpetuated by their great-grandchildren; one scholarship awarded annually; $5,000.00
Rabbi Isaac & Rebbetzin Jeanette Nadoff Memorial Israel Scholarship
- Established by the Nadoff Family; one scholarship awarded annually; $2,000.00
Harvey Paretzky Memorial Israel Scholarship
- Established by the Paretzky Family; three scholarships awarded annually; $2,000.00 each
Eric and Gale z”l Rothner Israel Scholarship
- In honor of their grandchildren; three scholarships awarded annually; $1,800.00 each
Yaakov L. Matanky Memorial Israel Scholarship
- Established by the Matanky Family; two scholarships awarded annually; $1,500.00 each
Chaya Mitchell Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund
- Established by the Nadoff Family; one scholarship awarded annually; $1,000.00
Paul & Doris Rosenberg Memorial Israel Scholarship
- Established by the Gertz & Rosenberg Families; two scholarships awarded annually; $1,000.00 each
Dr. Jack & Dorothy Tresley Memorial Israel Scholarship Program
- Established by their children; five scholarships awarded annually; $1,000.00 each
Adina Weiner Memorial Israel Scholarship
- Established by the Adina Weiner Memorial Foundation; one scholarship awarded annually; $1,000.00
Harold & Marilyn Allswang Memorial Israel Scholarship
- Established by the Allswang & Feifel Families; two scholarships awarded annually; $500.00 each
Rabbi Shmuel & Pearl Brooks Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Brooks Family; one scholarship awarded annually; $500.00
Jeanette Garfunkel and Lillian Eisenkraft Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Brooks Family; one scholarship awarded annually; $500.00
Claire Gassel Memorial Study in Israel Program
- Established by the Gassel Family; two scholarships awarded annually; $500.00 each
Reb Levi Yitzchok & Bina Chava Krupnick Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Brooks Family; one scholarship awarded annually; $500.00
Ofakim Israel Scholarship
- Established by Allan & Bryna Towb; two scholarships awarded annually; $500.00 each
Rabbi Ahron & Rebbetzin Ella Soloveichik Memorial Scholarship
- Established by the Brooks Family; one scholarship awarded annually; $500.00
Apply for an Israel Scholarship
Download the application or apply online in the form below.
If mailing application, address envelope to:
Rabbi Mordechai Raizman – Israel Scholarships
c/o Associated Talmud Torahs
3531 Madison Street
Skokie, IL 60076
Eligibility Requirements
All graduating day school seniors attending ATT schools are eligible to apply for Israel Scholarships.
Application must be made to an approved Israel learning experience program. Awards will be sent directly to that program on the recipient’s behalf.
Successful applicants will be notified of the scholarship committee’s decision by mail, date to be determined. The balance of fees due to the program is the applicant’s responsibility.
Recipients are expected to attend the ATT Awards Presentation and Annual Meeting to accept their award.
Recipients are expected to present a thank you letter to the family providing their scholarship at the ATT Awards Presentation and Annual Meeting.
Online Application Instructions:
All parts must be submitted for the application to be eligible by Thursday, February 6, 2025, 5:00 pm.
Part I: Complete application below
Part II: Complete Essays
Part III: Provide the following:
- Three letters of recommendation (from your synagogue rabbi, school principal and/or teachers). Signed recommendation letters should be sent to YOU, placed in a sealed envelope with your complete name & the words “ATT Israel Scholarship” written on the envelope and submitted together with your application in ONE larger envelope to the ATT.
- Certified copy of your most recent academic transcript.
- Optional: A copy of your parents’ most recent income tax form and a statement of financial need. Please understand that the Israel scholarships are merit based rather than financial. Financial need will be considered only in a tie situation.
Deadline for Israel Scholarship applications is Thursday, February 1, 2024, 5:00 pm.
Melvin I. and Marilyn A. Eisenberg Endowment Fund
Scholarships are provided by the Eisenberg Family for students who are graduating from the MIE Torah High Institute for Judaic Studies and who plan to continue their studies in Israel.
Download the application here or apply online below.
Israel/Eisenberg Scholarship Application
Remember to submit separate letters of recommendations and a certified copy of your most recent academic transcript. Optional: Parents’ most recent income tax form and a statement of financial need.
"*" indicates required fields